Browse the catalog. If you can’t find the component you need, please ask for availability. We are engaged in consulting, training and spare parts deliveries related to the systems produced by B&R Automation, independent of any specific industry and internationally. B&R is one of the largest manufacturers of automation systems in the field of machine automation and we have unique extensive expertise in B&R Automation systems. With our services, customers gain the maximum benefit from their obtained automation system and ensure the smooth running of their production processes. Our customers are machine manufacturers / project suppliers or end users in Finnish industrial plants. For machine manufacturers, we typically provide consultancy services for product development projects and introductions concerning B&R systems. For end customers, we primarily supply spare parts mappings, spare parts and training, as well as fault analyses and urgent spare parts deliveries in the event of fault situations. Best regards
We provide wide range of components for B&R systems
Eero Tiainen